Høst lækre, vilde sommersvampe
Sommer er tiden for flere af de allerbedste spisesvampe, såsom de velkendte champignon, Karl Johan og kantarel, samt mere funky arter såsom svovlporesvamp – kaldet chicken of the woods på engelsk – og stilkporesvamp – på engelsk pheasant´s bag mushroom/fasanryg svamp – der har den skønneste aroma af vandmelon. For resten findes der i svampenes rige en rigdom af forskellige former for aroma, lige fra visse champignoners anis-aroma, sød slik-agtig aroma, skaldyr, frugt og mel.

Hvad skal der ske?
Til dette Vilde Krydderier event bliver i klædt rigtig godt på til at kunne identificere korrekt, finde og tilberede lækre, vilde sommersvampe. De vigtigste ting at lære er at kunne identificere svampene korrekt, at vide hvor de forskellige arter kan findes, og hvordan de bedst anvendes i madlavning or konservering. Fejlagtig identifikation kan i værste tilfælde ende med en dødelig forgiftning. Derfor starter i med at lære om de spiselige svampe i sæson. Dernæst lidt om hvordan de kan findes. Og til sidst tager vi af sted med svampekurvene og snakker om opskrifter og konservering.

Hvem kan deltage?
Eventet er egnet for hele familien, samt venner, singler og i øvrigt alle, der er facineret af den farverige verden af svampe, og som har lyst til at deltage i et sjovt svampesanke event.

Hvor og hvornår?
Vi mødes ved Skodsborg station. Se starttidspunkt for eventet i toppen af siden. At forudse svampenes præcise fremkomst er umulig, og event-tidspunktet kan derfor ændres helt frem til dagen før.

Hvad skal i have med?
Medbring svampekurv eller anden fast opbevarings-genstand. I en pose vil de blive mast og komme til at svede.

240,- / Studerende 210,- / børn gratis. Billetter kan købes via Mobilepay: 21 86 66 42.
English text

Harvest delicious, wild mushrooms
Summer is the season for several of the very most delicate edible mushrooms, such as the well-known champignon, porcino, and chanterelle, as well as some more funky ones, such as the chicken of the woods – which does look and taste very mush like chicken – and the pheasant´s bag mushroom that has a water melon aroma. Btw. In the kingdom of fungi is found a plethora of very different aromas, from certain champinon´s anise-aroma, sweet, candy-like aroma, shellfish, fruit, flour, and – in the more unpleasant end of the spectrum: sperm!

What will happen at the event?
At this Wild Spices event you will instructed thoroughly in how to identify the edible mushrooms correctly, how to find them, and learn about how to cook and preserve them. These are the essential skills needed to become a wild mushroom forager and awesome wild mushroom cook.
First identification. Incorrect identification can, worst case scenario, lead to a deadly poisoning. Then some instruction in where to look for the summer-mushy goodies. And,finally, we will go, baskets in our hands, gather the mushrooms and talk about mushroom cooking and preservation.

Who can participate?
The event is for the whole family, for friends and singles, as well as anybody else who is fascinated by fungi and would like to take part in a fun wild food event.

Where and when?
We will meet at Skodsborg station. See the event start time at the top of this page. The event time might very well be subject to change, even the day before the event, since predicting the exact time of fruiting is impossible.

What to bring?
Please bring a mushroom basket – not plastic bags or jars – and mushroom knife.

240 DKK / Students 210 DKK / Children for free.
Tickets can be bought via 21 86 66 42 MobilePay.