Identifying the Porcini and its Look-alikes

Becoming a mushroom forager can be a complicated affair. The existence of different species that to the non-expert appear very alike, makes the attention to minute characteristics important. Failure to correctly identify a certain species ca ...

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Fall for foraging

As a forager and wild food advocate I met with a chef of a resturant in the Kreuzberg borough of Berlin. At the first meeting I had with the chef in late September she stated – sceptical to the idea that I wanted to deliver wild p ...

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The Oceanic Divide

Round the World Unlimited How about an Atlantic Appetizer? No, it is not a small dish or drink served before the main course. It´s a “taste of the Atlantic”, a tour starting in Europe (unspecified), taking you to delicious dinners in Lissa ...

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Pristine Weeds

In its original condition; unspoilt; clean and fresh as if new; spotless; immaculate; perfect; virgin; pure; etc. These are all synonyms for the word pristine. The number of definitions available are, of course, numerous. Pristine Weeds But ...

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Exploring Berlin´s Wild Food Habitats – Summer 2018

In this article I will take you with me on a tour to some of Berlin´s best parks, abandoned areas, the Grunewald forest, the Havel riverbank, as well as areas just outside Berlin, areas in which I have foraged intensively for the first month ...

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Problem Solvers and Prime Movers

This is the first article in this blog discussing the third concept stated in the article detailing the blog´s concept. Basically this blog is about pursuing a climate friendly lifestyle, but this is not simply a question of figuring out what to do an ...

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Adapting to the Urban Unknown

On the train from Brehmen to Berlin I am told by a German man, who has just been on holiday by bike with his wife, that the city has become quite busy during the decade since the last time I was here. We arrive at the central stati ...

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A Crash Course in Climate Friendly Dieting

I have studied and been actively engaged with the relationship between the environment, climate change and food since mid 2015, first simply reading on my own, then joining a Danish forest preservation NGO by the name Forests of the World, where I in ...

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Flensburg and southwards – From Caravans and Oases to the Diamond Industry

Having left Mariel end the spiritual community in Fredericia, crossed the German border and arrived in Flensburg with Saad and Abd El-Aziz I find a small beach, where I set up my tent and stay for the night. The next day I have my breakfast at a ...

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Which Transport is the Fairest?

You really should now the essentials of this article already. But I will fill you in on the details. If even the overall points of this article are new to you, you must have been living under a rock for the last couple of decades, which is good, becau ...

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